Emakume ekintzaileen jardunaldiak EP, Bruselan
Izena emateko mezu bat bidali e-posta honetara: inaki.irazabalbeitia-office@europarl.europa.eu
Women entrepreneurship in times of crisis
Date: Mars, 5 2014
In the context of a big economic crisis unemployment for women is higher and increases faster than men. Self-employment can help women to change this tendency and guarantee income.
The conference has three main goals: - to promote entrepreneurship for women through success stories and shared experiences - to encourage women to to start their own business or to develop their existing business - to promote sharing and networking among the speakers and the attendees
Proposed by:
Inaki Irazabalbeitia, MEP
Marije Cornelissen, MEP
Gemma Zelaia, Bizzia
Interpretation: es/en/eu (passive)
Draft Agenda
- 10.30 h Opening
Marije Cornelissen and Inaki Irazabalbeitia
- 10.45 h Panel ´Women entrepreneurship throughout Europe’
Gemma Zelaia, Bizzia (The Basque Country)
Danae Bezantakou , Iforu (Greece)
Louise Hilditch, Full Circle Club (Belgium)
Caroline Phillips, Conseil de Developpement du Pays Basque (The Basque Country)
- 12.15 h Panel ‘Women entrepreneurship from different perspectives’
Luisa Villegas ´The role of women in rural development´
María Gómez del Pozuelo , ‘Company creation and internationalisation’
Marijose Martinez and Mariela Gómez Ponce, ‘R+D based opportunities’
Carmen Munoz, 'Women entrepreneurship: trick or treat?'
- 13.30h 3 Case-studies of success in women entrepreneurship
- 13.55 h Conclusion
Emakume ekintzaileak krisian

Inaki Irazabalbeitiak eta Marije Cornelissenek, Bizziaren laguntzarekin, antolatutako jardunaldietan EPn, Bruselan, emakume ekintzaileen egoera krisian aztertuko da. klikatu tituluan programa ikusteko.