I'll cry for Nagorno Karabakh
Sep 30, 2023
I first travelled to Nagorno Karabakh, Artsakh, in May 2014. I was still a member of the European Parliament. Jon Inarritu, then member of the Spanish congress, Olga Pérez Vitoria, my parliamentary assistant and the myself formed the delegation of Aralar political party displace to Armenia and Nagorno Karabakh. We were probably the first Basque delegation arriving in Artsakh. The delegation had two clear objectives: to know the situation first hand and to establish bridges between our both nations.
As soon as I arrived I fell in love with the people and the land. We found a lively society and a vivid culture. It was Friday evening when we arrived to Stepanakert. Our hotel was on the main square. The square was filled with people who enjoyed the sweetness of the sunset. Nagorno Karabakh was indead in war situation, there was a truce with Azerbaijan, as technically the war had not ended in 1992. Although one could expect to see military in the roads, tanks, checkpoints and the like, there were not such. Stepanakert's main square received us with the same atmosphere of any European city at the door of the weekend.
Since then I've been three times more, twice as an election monitor. And I can state without doubt that the republic of Nagorno Karabakh was based on sound democratic principles: it was an example compared to the neighbouring states, even with Armenia itself. Our interlocutors proudly told us about their dream of becoming member of the European Union. 'We are implementing EU laws in our country' stated they.
And Europe betrayed those who used to have fun in the streets of Stepanakert. When Azerbaijan invaded Nagorno Karabakh, European authorities looked at the other side. Europe did nothing. Laisser faire, laisser paser applied!. As Europe did 100 years ago when Turkey carried out the genocide of the Armenians. Europe didn't take any action when the totalitarian regime of Azerbaijan —the champion in human rights violations, the one that harasses both freedom of speech and LGTB persons— attacked Armenia and Nagorno Karabakh three years ago, in autumn 2020, or when Aliyev's regime blocked the Lachin corridor last 10 months cutting the access of food, drugs and goods, condemning to starvation Karabakhi citizens.
Europe denounced the Russian invasion of Ukraine and is doing a great effort to help the Ukrainians. I agree. However, Europe is weak and condescending when the same occurs in Nargono Karabakh. 'It's the economy, stupid,.' one would say. And he would be right! Azerbaijan is a large natural gas producer and as a few months ago by Ursula von der Layen said Azerbaijan is a 'reliable energy partner'. Pure hypocrisy.
Azerbaijan is now engaged in ethnic cleansing, forcing the Armenian out of the land that has been their home for centuries. The destruction of the remains of Armenian culture will soon come: works of art, churches, museums, etc. Then, they will reinvent history and turn Nagorno Karabakh an Azeri territory from the beginning of the times. And be aware of the next step in Azerbaijan's territorial expansion… Armenia!
The European Union has once again relinquished two of its main founding principles: conflict prevention and the protection of minorities. And the chain of violations is getting longer and longer. Quousque tandem Europe?
To finish I take here the words that a Karabakhi friend of mine wrote me some days ago: 'I am not sure if we'll ever be able to come in terms with what has happened'. I make mine those words!